Research Subjects
# On the confinement properties of bulk plasmas, which is a kind of the MHD (MagnetoHydroDynamic) fluid, in Thermonuclear Fusion Reactor.
In order to develop the low collisional (high temperature) and high pressure plasmas for thermonuclear fusion reactor, we conduct the students to discover the impact of the MHD instabilities on the plasma confinement and to develop the suppression and control methods of the MHD instabilities through the experimental and the numerical research on the Large Helical Device (LHD), which is in National Institute for Fusion science (NIFS) of Japan and one of the largest super conductor thermonuclear fusion experimental devices in the world.
Moreover, we conduct the students to discover the suppression and control methods of the damage from the disrutive phenomena in tokamaks.
(In detail, here1, here2(PDF))

Examples of the subjects

The methods of the research in the WATANABE Lab.
1) The students design and construct the measurement systems for plasma diagnostics, apply them to the LHD experiments and analyze the data to discover the new knowledge.
2) The students develop and modify the computer simulation programs, and compare between the numerical results and the experimental results to discover the new knowledge.
The above two approaches are conducted by prof.K.Y.Watanabe cooperated with NIFS collaborators.
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